Sirat-un-Nabi (Life of the Prophet) is arguably one of the greatest and most authentic Sirah Rasul Allah (biographies) of the Islamic prophet ...our bohat kuch
Shaq Sadr is actually related to the childhood of the Holy Prophet Once the Holy Prophet asked Halima Saadiya where my siblings are all day. So Halima said that they go to graze the goats. So the Holy Prophet said that can I go with them too? If you want, you can go. Nabi Pak also started grazing goats with other children of the tribe. One day, all the children were playing in a valley at the foot of the mountain when suddenly three people came to them. There was a tray full of snow. They chose Muhammad from among the children and took him. The other children ran away when they saw him. Then the children saw him and said, "Your child." What is the relationship? He is not from our tribe but he is the son of Quraysh chief and is being brought up in our area. Why are you behind this child who has no father? What is the use of killing him? If it is necessary to kill, then kill one of us because he is an orphan. When the children saw that he was not answering, he ran away ...
START WITH THE NAME OF ALLAH REVELATION OF THE QUR'AN ON THE HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (SAW) The translation of a verse of Surat al-Qadr is as follows: We revealed this Qur'an in Laylat al-Qadr, knowing that Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. The glory of this surah is revealed in the revelation that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not shorten the ages of the ummah. May Allah bless him with Laylat al-Qadr, which is better than a thousand months. Every single night of this month is better, but on what date does this night come? The decision of the month was made by the Qur'an itself that the revelation of the Qur'an took place in Ramadan - but there is a difference of opinion among the scholars in history Says for the 27th - The Qur'an was revealed that night to the first heaven - This Qur'an was revealed by Allah - This Qur'an was revealed for guidance. This Qur'an was revealed in Balad Amin - ...
AP (SAW) SAY MUSHRAKIN KI TARAF SAY NISHANIYON KI اکثر کفار آپ صلی الله الیھی وسلم سے کہتے کے ہمیں کوئی نشانی دکھاؤ کفّار نے کہا کے ہم اس وقت تک ایمان نہیں لائیں گے جب تک اپ زمین سے چشمہ جاری کر دیں ،یا اپ کے لئے آنگور یا کھجور کے باغ ہوں جس کے درمیان اپ نہریں بہا دیں - (ترجمہ )"کفر رکھتے ہیں کے اس پر الله کی طرف سے نشانی کیوں نہیں نازل کی گئی -" مشرکین کے تقاضے یہ بھی تھے کہ حضرت محمّد صلی الله الیھی وسلم کسی طرح عاجز ہو جاہیں -اس لئے انہوں نے مختلف اوقات میں کئی مطالبے کیے -چناچہ ایک دفعہ کفار مسجد میں جمع ہوۓ اور مشورہ کیا پھر نبی پاک کو بلایا تا کہ آپ صلی الله الیھی وسلم تبلیغ کریں چناچہ حضور پر نور تشریف لاۓ ،مشرکین نے آپ سے کہا کے آپ خود بتاتے ہیں کہ انبیاء کے پاس نشانیاں تھیں مثلا حضرت موسیٰ علیہ اسلام کے لیے عیسا مبارک ،حضرت صالح علیہ اسلام کے لئے اونٹنی اور حضرت عیسی علیہ اسلام مردوں کو زندہ کرتے تھے - تو اسی طرح آپ بھی ہمارے پاس کوئی نشانی لے کر آئیں -چناچہ انہوں نے یہ تجویز پیش کی کہ آپ صفا پہاڑ کو سونا بادیں -یا پہاڑوں کو کسی دوسری جگہ لے جائیں -اس...
Urdu poetry IN URDU LANGUAGE: کچھ تو سکوں اس دل کو بھی مل جاتا کاش کے تیری یاد کا بھی روزہ ہوتا IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE: If I could get some, this heart would also get it I wish your memory was also fast IN HINDI LANGUAGE: अगर मुझे कुछ मिलता तो यह दिल भी पा लेता काश आपकी याददाश्त भी तेज होती IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE: Я мог бы получить это сердце Я хотел бы, чтобы ваша память тоже была быстрой IN TURKISH LANGUAGE: Bu kalbin bir kısmını alabilirdim Keşke hafızan da hızlı olsaydı IN URDU LANGUAGE: دوست کو دولت کی نگاہ سے مت دیکھو ...
THE PROPHET,S HAZRA MUHAMMAD(SAW) STYLE OF SPEECH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE : The Prophet's style of speech was such that he did not speak in a hurry but spoke slowly. It is narrated on the authority of Qatadah that the Holy Prophet said: All the Prophets whom Allah has sent are beautiful and have a good voice. He even sent your Prophet with a beautiful voice and a beautiful face. The heart and mind of the listener would be imprinted and the instructions of the Holy Prophet would be easily remembered. The voice of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was louder than natural. He was a very eloquent and eloquent orator. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to speak in comprehensive words: The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were very clear. The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to separate truth and falsehood. There was no intensity in the words of the...
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